Monday, January 6, 2014

Choosing life.....

Yesterday, I was asked, if I had to choose one word to define the past year, what would it be ?

......a feeling of gratitude is what comes to mind.....

Last night, I watched, like so many of you, the opening episode of season four of Downton was wonderful....but the scene that resonated the most with me was when Lady Violet, in a poignant and endearing moment, told Mary to choose life, over death, after the loss of her husband Matthew. It touched me, as only a great actress like Maggie Smith, can touch us. She is a master at bringing her character to life, in all it's fabulous glory. Her wit, but best of all her intelligence and wisdom that only comes from age and maturity.

As I age, this time of year brings about a fair amount of contemplation. Where I have been and where I want to go...never one to make resolutions, I just charge ahead with all the " to do " things on my list...

....the things of What we as women do every day...looking after our families, friends, and if there is any time left, ourselves. I have tried over the last several years, to rid myself of negativity, and instead focus on a more simplistic approach to living...listening to my inner well.

Karen Tran
So....the prospect of new projects which life has brought my way, are exciting and inspiring....I look forward to creating the most beautiful weddings this up to my own expectations and more importantly, my clients...
" live the life you imagine"
How many times have you heard the phrase? I imagine a life full of challenges...that is inevitable...but also a life full of the rewards of honest hard work...of aspirations to create a beautiful and inspiring give a small part of who we are to the world and those in it..
...whether growing a garden....
...creating whimsy.....
Or...just living in a simple, happy moment...
Like Mary, choosing to live our lives with purpose and meaning, and in the moment, is the best reward...
I really believe that! N.xo



  1. Nella,
    I think we all watched and knew that Mary couldn't stay down for too long. It takes a lot of strength to pull your chin up when the weight of the world is on your head, but there is so much to walk towards.
    You remember that song by Irving Berlin - 'Count your blessings instead of sheep'. It is such a simple concept, but one that can keep us all on track.

    May all your dreams come true.

  2. An absolutely beautiful post N. Though you've been confronted by much to test you this year your positive attitude will keep you focused...
    And I for one know how much talent you have that you've yet to develop.
    I've found your choice of photos lovely, especially that darling Bella.
    Hope to see you soon.
    Susan xx

  3. Oh what a glorious photo at the end, with Mr. DiCaprio toasting to us!

    Dearest Nella, I love growing "UP." As we age, the things we always heard our parents tell us or heard about, now become OUR OWN. We understand so much better when we know we have the choice, and actually make the choice. To be grateful produces the most magical results: change in us, in how we see things, other people, ourselves.

    And as for Downton should have seen my husband and I all weekend, and last night. We have seasons 1-3 on DVD, so we catch up with the entire storyline then streamed the entire SEASON FOUR and watched it all. Let me tell you, you will literally SCREAM. tehehehhhe


  4. I love this post Nella. Yes, live the live you imagine.. great quote! Maturity brings about some tough moments of contemplation. Living in the moment, not looking back, and I like to forget about my chronological age .. it makes me feel like it's too late to change!


  5. Such wise words Nella! I have had a lot of extended family issues this past year that have been difficult. I am hoping the person that I am speaking of "chooses life" this year. Love, love, love Downton Abbey...I didn't succumb until Season 3!!

  6. Beautiful post, Nella! I, too, am grateful for everything in life. To quote Mae West: You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.
    Happy New Year!

  7. Lovely & inspiring, Nella. Hope your New Year is the same.

  8. What a great post! Taking a positive attitude to life is so important and not always easy but the rewards are great.

  9. Hello Nella !
    Yes of course we have to live the life we imagine !
    Thank you for your comment on my blog, I will be very happy to paint your lovely garden...
    Have a nice day,

  10. Touching words, Nella. You are so right. It is my children getting older (so quickly) that makes me the most contemplative. Like you, I want to live intentionally this year, & try to enjoy every little sticky-finger & preteen-meltdown moment, & the big chunks of everything wonderful in between.

    Happy New Year to you!


  11. What a beautiful post Nella. I just love the way you write. I can feel your heart with every word. You write what is in my heart.
    I loved this latest episode of DA and I thought it held so many moments to make one think. I think one has to watch this show looking for these hidden little treasures or they are easily missed by some.
    Thank you for your lovey comment. You made my heart happy!

  12. Nella what a beautifully written post.
    Cheers to you and loved ones for 2014. Yvonne

  13. You have perfectly summed up what a New Year is all about. Life is precious and we must give it our all to make the most of the gift. What wonderful images you have found to illustrate this! x

  14. This is such a pretty post, Oh! those roses, and the umbrella is awesome.
    Enjoyed this. yvonne

  15. Hi Nella,
    Simple words of complete beauty! I always strive for a simple life, it's strangely hard to achieve.. Oh and the Roses... DIVINE!!
    Wishing you a good week!


Thank you for visiting my blog..... I love to hear from you and appreciate every comment received! N.xo